Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Comprehensive Current affairs 4 August 2020

 New Delhi imposes curfew in Kashmir ahead of one-year anniversary of Aug 5 move

New Delhi in fear of protests has imposed a curfew across Indian administered Kashmir just two days ahead of the first anniversary of India's move to abolish the semi-autonomous status of earstwhile state officials said late Monday, citing intelligence reports.

"These restrictions shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force on 4th and 5th August," stated the government order issued for the main city of Srinagar.

According to sources "Full curfew will be enforced in all Kashmir districts,"

A "full curfew" means people can only move around with an official pass, usually reserved for essential services like police and medical professionals.

The Himalayan region is already subject to restrictions to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus amid a jump in infections, with most economic activities limited and public movement curtailed.

The order said the separate virus lockdown would be extended until August 8.

The curfew came as Kashmiris called for August 5 to be observed as a "black day".

Anger across Muslim-majority Kashmir against India's Hindu-nationalist government has been growing since last year, particularly over the granting of special rights — once reserved for Kashmiris — to tens of thousands of people from outside of the region to buy land.

Government formulates draft defence production and export policy

Defence Ministry has formulated a draft Defence Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020 (DPEPP-2020).The policy aims to provide impetus to self-reliance in defence manufacturing under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme.

The DPEPP-2020 is envisaged as overarching guiding document of Defence Ministry to provide a focused, structured and significant thrust to defence production capabilities of the country for self-reliance and exports.

First and foremost amongst all is to achieve a turnover of Rs. 1 lakh 75 thousand Crore including an export of Rs. 35 thousand Crore in the Aerospace and Defence goods and services by the year 2025.

Developing a dynamic, robust and competitive Defence industry, including Aerospace and Naval Shipbuilding industry to cater to the needs of Armed forces with quality products has also been clearly laid out in the new draft policy.

The ministry has also laid emphasis on reducing dependence on imports and taking forward the Make in India initiatives through domestic designs.

Efforts will be made to create an environment that encourages Research and Development, rewards innovation, creates Indian IP ownership and promotes a robust and self-reliant defence industry.

India Report on Digital Education, 2020

A report named Sustainable Ocean Economy for 2050: Approximating Its Benefits and Costs by the World Resources Institute.

• According to the report, Offshore wind energy generation can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as increase return on the investment made to scale up these  Technologies.

Ocean Economy:

• The ocean and its resources provide key ecosystem services and benefits (including food, energy, recreational/ cultural services and trading/transport routes) that are crucial for human wellbeing and the prosperity of the global economy.

• However, climate change, overfishing, pollution and a loss of biodiversity and coastal ecosystems are eroding the ability of the ocean to sustain livelihoods and prosperity.

• Focusing on four ocean-based policy interventions:

Conserving and restoring mangrove habitats


Scaling up offshore wind production.

Decarbonizing the international shipping sector

Increasing the production of sustainably sourced ocean-based proteins.

• Sustainable ocean-based investments yield benefits at least five times greater than the costs.

• Investing $2.0–$3.7 trillion globally across the four areas from 2020 to 2050 would generate $8.2–$22.8 trillion in net benefits (average $15.5 trillion), implying a Rate of Return on Investment of 400–615 Per cent.

ROI on Scaling up Offshore Wind Energy:

• An increase in offshore wind energy generation between 650 and 3,500 terawatt-hours (TWh) every year by 2050 was also estimated to take place.

• Most offshore installations are currently in Europe, but a significant increase was expected in Asia, especially in China.

• Reduction of 0.3-1.61 giga tonnes of carbon dioxide every year by 2050.

• The total discounted health benefits by transitioning to offshore renewable energy were pegged between $0.15 trillion and $4.4 trillion by 2020–50.

• The benefits of water savings can be between $1.3 billion and $1.4 trillion over 2020-50.

Start of Assembly of the ITER Tokamak

• The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Organization is celebrating the Start of Assembly of the ITER Tokamak in France.

• On this occasion, the Prime Minister of India congratulated the ITER organization. India`s contributions to the project include the cryostat, in-vessel shields, contributions to  the cooling water and Among Others.


• ITER is an experimental fusion reactor facility being constructed in France to prove the feasibility of nuclear fusion for future source of energy.

• ITER partners are the European Union, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States of America. European Union being the host party contributes 45% while the rest of the parties contribute 9% each. Most of these contributions are through ‘in-kind’  procurement of ITER components.

• India formally joined the ITER Project in 2005 and the ITER Agreement between the partners was signed in 2006.

• ITER’s First Plasma is scheduled for December 2025.


• Fusion is the energy source of the Sun and stars. In the tremendous heat and gravity at the core of these stellar bodies, hydrogen nuclei collide, fuse into heavier helium atoms and release tremendous amounts of energy in the process.

• Three conditions must be fulfilled to achieve fusion in a laboratory: very high temperature (on the order of 150,000,000° Celsius); sufficient plasma particle density (to increase the likelihood that collisions do occur); and sufficient confinement time (to hold the plasma, which has a propensity to expand, within a defined volume).


• First developed by Soviet research in the late 1960s. The term tokamak stands for the toroidal chamber with Magnetic Coils.

• A tokamak is an experimental machine designed to harness the energy of fusion. Inside atokamak, the energy produced through the fusion of atoms is absorbed as heat in the walls of the vessel.

Just like a conventional power plant, a fusion power plant will use this heat to produce steam and then electricity by way of turbines and generators.

• The heart of a tokamak is its doughnut-shaped vacuum chamber. Inside, under the influence of extreme heat and pressure, gaseous hydrogen fuel becomes a plasma.

Aerial Seeding employed by Haryana.

The Haryana government has recently employed aerial seeding techniques to improve green cover in the Aravalli area of the state. It is to regenerate the low vegetation density or denuded areas on inaccessible or difficult sites of Aravalli and Shivalik hills.

Aerial Seeding:

• It is a plantation technique wherein seed balls — seeds covered with a mixture of clay, compost, char and other components — are sprayed using aerial devices, including planes, helicopters or drones.

• The Seeds balls/pellets are dispersed in a targeted area by low-flying drones, with the coating providing the required weight for seeds to airdrop on a predetermined location rather than getting deterred by the wind.

• These pellets sprout when there is enough rain, with nutrients present within them helping in Initial Growth.


• Areas that are inaccessible, having steep slopes or no forest routes, can be targeted using this method.

• The process of the seed’s germination and growth is such that it requires no attention after it is dispersed and thus seed pellets are known as the “fire and forget” way of plantation.

• They eliminate any need for ploughing and do not need to be planted since they are already surrounded by soil, nutrients, and microorganisms. The clay shell also protects them from birds, ants and rats.

• The Species to be Used for Aerial Seeding are native to the area and hardy, with seeds that are of an appropriate size for preparing seedballs are usually used for aerial seeding, with a higher survival percentage.

Green-Ag Project to reduce emission.

The indian Government launched the Green-Ag Project in Mizoram, to reduce emissions from agriculture and ensure sustainable agricultural practices.

• Other states include Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Uttarakhand.

• Madhya Pradesh (Chambal Landscape), Mizoram (Dampa Landscape), Odisha (Similipal

Landscape), Rajasthan (Desert National Park Landscape) and Uttarakhand (Corbett-Rajaji Landscape) are the landscapes where the project will be implemented.

Green-Ag Project:

• The Green-Ag Project is funded by the Global Environment Facility.

• The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation, and Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW) is the national executing agency.

Other key players involved in its implementation are the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).

• The project seeks to mainstream biodiversity, climate change, sustainable land management objectives and practices into the agriculture sector.

• The project is designed to achieve multiple global environmental benefits in at least 1.8 million hectares (ha) of land in five landscapes, with mixed land-use systems.

• It aims to bring at least 104,070 ha of farms under sustainable land and water management.

• The pilot project is supposed to end on March 31, 2026, in all states.

Expected Outcomes:

• Ensure 49 Million Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) sequestered or reduced through sustainable land use and agricultural practices.

• Help local people take advantage of the rich agro-biodiversity.

• Promotion of secondary agriculture

• Establishment of green value chains.

Natesa, Idol retrieved in Rajasthan.

Recently, a rare sandstone idol ‘Natesa’ from the 9th century  (Pratihara Style of Rajasthan) has been retrieved after 22 years by Rajasthan police.


• It is currently at the Indian High Commission, London, was originally from the Ghateswar Temple, Baroli, Rajasthan.

• It was smuggled out of the country in 1998. A few archaeologists behind the ‘India Pride Project’ have also taken consistent efforts for the restitution of the Natesa icon.

• It is a group of art enthusiasts who use social media to identify stolen religious artefacts from Indian temples and secure their return.

• The sandstone Natesa figure stands tall at almost 4 ft. in a rare and brilliant depiction of Shiva.

A beautiful depiction of Nandi is shown behind the right leg of the Natesa icon.

• The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and the Ministry of Culture should use this restitution as a much-needed impetus to go after thousands of artefacts stolen since the 1960s.

About Pratihara Style:

• It is a famous temple architecture belonging to the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of Rajasthan.

• They ruled much of Northern India from the mid-8th to the 11th century. Its significant rulers are Nagabhata Il, Mhir Bhoj, Mahenedra pal I.

• The architecture is known for their sculptures, carved panels and open pavilion style temples belonging to Nagara Style of temple Architecture.

• They used most common sandstones for idols that have various shades of red, caused by iron oxide (rust).

• The greatest development of their style of building is at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Mains special

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Recently, Jin Liqun has been re-elected as the President of the China-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) for a second five-year term. The President stated that the bank would remain an “apolitical institution” and continue to back projects in India.

About India and AIIB:

• India was among the AIIB’s 57 founding members in 2016. It is also its second-largest shareholder (with 7.62% voting shares) after China (26.06%).

• It has received USD 4.35 billion from the Bank. This is the highest of any country, with the bank so far approving loans of USD 19.6 billion to support 87 projects in 24 countries.

Turkey is second with USD 1.95 billion.

• The AIIB has approved financing projects in India in a host of sectors like energy, transport and water including the Bangalore metro rail project (USD 335 million), Gujarat rural roads project (USD 329 million) and Phase 3 of the Mumbai urban transport project (USD 500 million).

• India said that it expects AIIB to introduce new financing instruments, provide financing for social infrastructure and to integrate development of climate resilient and sustainable energy access infrastructure into AIIB’s recovery response to the Covid-19 crisis.

• It implies that India is unlikely to alter its engagement with the China-led Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), despite a host of offensive measures announced recently to reduce its trade and investment links with China.

About China and AIIB:

• It approved USD 500 million for Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund and Health Systems Preparedness Project and another USD 750 million for Covid-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support, in a co-financing arrangement with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

• The USD 750 million loan was approved two days after the clash in Galwan Valley in Ladakh along the India-China border.

It has supported several projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework, but Is not formally linked to the plan. India has concerns over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – a part of the BRI.

About Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

• It is a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia.

• Its Headquartered in Beijing (China), it began operations in January 2016 and has now grown to 103 approved members worldwide.

Way Ahead:

• It is also significant as the World Bank is continued to be dominated by the USA while Japan has more influence over Asian Development Bank (ADB).

• India should continue to engage with AIIB as it will be able to access resources for the financing of national and cross-border infrastructure projects from the Bank.

• India needs to ensure that its own interests are served by its membership very explicitly. It

Should make sure that AIIB doesn’t end up becoming a tool of Chinese Geopolitical Agenda.

SC Looks to Save both Wild Animals and Crops

An “anxious” Supreme Court accentuated the urgent need to find an alternative to killing Marauding wild animals as vermin even while protecting Crops from them.

About the News:

• The court was hearing a petition seeking measures to prevent killing of wild animals in India. The Petition highlighted the indiscriminate killing of blue bulls (nilgai) as vermin.

• Issuing a notice, the court tagged the petition with an earlier one on an elephant who died after consuming pineapples laced with explosives in Kerala.

• Chief Justice Bobde said man-animal conflict is leading to both killing of wildlife and crop

Loss. He also suggested to use “explosives that do not kill” but make a lot of noise and “rubber bullets” to scare off the animals.

• CJI has asked to study the problem and suggest measures so that the court could pass the Necessary orders.

• The court also asked to enquire into whether human encroachments into forests are Driving wild animals away from their natural habitats, forcing them to foray into human Settlements for food.

What are the Reasons for man-animal conflict?

• Lost ranges and blocked corridors for elephants have made elephants look for soft Landscapes adjoining forests such as coffee, tea and cardamom estates, and in the absence Of these, wander into food-rich farms falling in their movement pathways.

• Expansion of human settlements into forests – expansion of cities, industrial areas, Railway/road infrastructure, tourism etc. Commercial pressures eat into already diminished habitat.

• Allowing livestock to graze in forest areas.

• Land use Transformations such as change from protected forest patches to agricultural And horticultural lands and monoculture plantations are further destroying the habitats of Wildlife.

• Unscientific structures and practices of forest management in the country.

• Infestation of wildlife habitat by invasive exotic weeds leads to decreased availability of Edible grasses for wild herbivores.

• Decreased prey base caused by poaching of herbivores has also resulted in carnivores Moving out of forests in search of prey and to indulge in Cattle Lifting.

Way Forward:

• According to the Wildlife experts, if wildlife protection is confined to reserves and parks Alone, several species will stand at the brink of extinction. For example Great Indian Bustard, which is a Schedule-I animal. Despite having sanctuaries to itself, the bird has Been driven to the brink of extinction.

• Co-occurrence approach: Building community participation in conservation is a better idea Than just having Protected Areas.

• Events of MAC can be reduced by integrating early warning systems with simpler damage- Prevention practices (such as improving fencing of crops or better livestock husbandry). 

• Hunting of prey animals, such as deer and pig, needs to stop as they form the base for Growth of tiger and other carnivore populations.

• Efforts can be taken to better wildlife management practices and understanding of animal Behaviour. So that people don’t kill an animal out of panic.

• Crop insurance should be provided in the event of destruction by wild animals.

• Safeguarding Tiger corridors, building eco-bridges and such conservation measures can be Part of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Comprehensive Current affairs 31 July 2020

One of Earth's Largest 'Waterfalls' Is in the Ocean-study

Victoria Falls is said to be the largest waterfall on Earth, and Angel Falls the highest, but no matter how impressive they might look to us, both these natural wonders fall far short of the true victors.

The largest and most powerful waterfalls we know of are actually surrounded by water, deep beneath the lapping waves. Tucked between Iceland and Scotland, the Faroe Bank Channel Overflow is one the mightiest of its kind.

This narrow, super-deep passage connects the Norwegian Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean via a continuous flow of water so cold and dense, it sinks right to the bottom.

As this heavy river crosses one of the deepest parts of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge, it creates a massive undersea cascade, with water plummeting roughly 840 metres (2,756 feet), right into the Atlantic.


It's one of the most researched spots in our ocean, monitored closely since 1995, and yet we've only just discovered the most powerful current that feeds it.

Up until now, the Faroe Bank Channel overflow was thought to come mainly from a stream of cold water running along the western side of the channel. And for a while, at least, that may have been true.

Today, however, new research suggests most of the Faroe waterfall is actually driven by a silent, eastern stream, which shoots cold water into the channel via a deep, jet-like ocean current.

The neighbouring Denmark strait, tucked between Iceland and Greenland and parallel to the Faroe channel, is home to the world's largest known waterfall, three times the height of Angel Falls.

As its cold waters meet up with the Faroe overflow on the other side of Iceland, these fast-moving waters create a powerful flow that spills into the deep north Atlantic.

Together, these two key arteries play a crucial role in ocean circulation, specifically contributing to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC).

The AMOC has two pathways, one that runs deep, carrying cold water from higher latitudes to the Atlantic, and the other that runs shallow, transporting warm and saline Atlantic waters to the north.

This circulation is a major regulator of the global climate system, and yet we still don't know enough about it.

Gathering new measurements from moorings and vessels, as well as data from current monitoring systems, researchers created a high-resolution ocean circulation model to figure out where most of the water at the Faroe overflow is actually coming from.

Instead of turning directly into the Faroe-Shetland Channel, which is the quickest way to the Faroe overflow, researchers found it appears to trace another more circuitous path.

GOI claims Successful implementation of Pradhan MantriGareebKalyan Ann Yojana.

About 81 crore beneficiaries covered under National Food Security Act (NFSA) and Antyodaya Ann Yojana (AAY) are being provided 5 Kgs of Rice or wheat free of cost under the PradhanMantri GareebKalyan Ann Yojana scheme.

The total allocation for the second phase of PMGKAY from July to November 2020 is over 200 Lakh Metric Tonnes of food grains. The scheme was rolled out on 8th of this month and till this Monday, over 33 Lakh Metric Tonnes of food grains have already been handed over to state governments across the country.

The current allocation in just around 20 days is about 83 per cent of the total allocation for the month of July.

After successful implementation of PMGKAY scheme from April to June 2020, the Government of India extended this scheme for another 5 months from July to November 2020.

Extensive and detailed logistical planning has already been done by Food Corporation of India (FCI) to ensure that food grain stocks reach every part of the country as per the allocation over these 5 months.


FDI in defence sector limit raised to 74%; FM announces major ‘Make in India’ push for defence.

GOI going to come out with a decision on 74% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in defence and a notification is likely in the next few days, according to V.L. KanthaRao, Additional Secretary, Department of Defence Production.

Separately, the Defence Ministry said the second draft of the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) 2020, now renamed as the Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020, was put out in public domain on Tuesday for comments from stakeholders and public.

On the target to indigenise spares and sub-assemblies of imported military hardware, Mr.Rao said, “We will try and do at least 900 items this year and we have a target of 5,000 items in five years.” He was speaking at the Lockheed Martin - Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers suppliers conference.

In May, the government announced a series of measures to promote domestic defence manufacturing. These include a negative import list, separate budgetary allocation for domestic procurements, indigenisation of spares and components and raising the FDI cap through automatic route from 49% to 74%.

EU restricts exports to Hongkong post China’s passage of new security law.

The European Union will restrict exports to Hong Kong of equipment that could be used for surveillance and repression after Beijing imposed a controversial new security law, diplomatic sources said on Tuesday.

The bloc has expressed deep concerned over the new law, which critics say will severely curb Hong Kong’s longstanding autonomy and relative freedom.

But the EU has struggled to agree a united response to China, with member states deeply divided over whether to stand up to Beijing, a hugely important trading partner or to try to cooperate with it.

France and Germany proposed the restriction on so-called “dual use” technology at a meeting of Foreign Ministers earlier this month and it will be formally signed off on Tuesday.

Along with the export restriction, the EU will also bring in measures to support the population of the former British colony by making it easier for them to travel to Europe through the granting of visas, scholarships and academic exchanges, diplomats said.

 Iran launches military drill at Strait of Hormuz

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard fired a missile from a helicopter targeting a replica aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, state television reported on Tuesday, an exercise aimed at “threatening” the U.S. amid tensions between Tehran and Washington.

The drill, in a waterway through which 20% of all traded oil passes, underlines the lingering threat of military conflict between Iran and the U.S. after last summer saw a series of incidents targeting oil tankers in the region. In January, a U.S. drone strike killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad and Tehran responded by firing ballistic missiles targeting American forces in Iraq.

Iranian commandos fast-roped down from a helicopter onto the replica in the footage aired on Tuesday from the exercise called “Great Prophet 14.”

Iranian troops also fired anti-aircraft batteries at a drone target in the exercise from a location that state television described as being near the port city of Bandar Abbas.Troops also fired missiles from trucks on land and fast boats at sea.

The Guard will use “long-range ballistic missiles with the ability to hit far-reaching aggressor floating targets” during the drill, said Abbas Nilforoushan, the Guard’s deputy commander for operations, according to Guard website sepahnews.com.

Asteroid 2020 ND.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recently issued a warning  that a huge “Asteroid 2020 ND” will move past Earth on 24th July.

About Asteroid 2020 ND:

• It is about 170 metres-long, will be as close as 0.034 Astronomical Unit (AU- Astronomical  Unit is the distance between the Earth and the Sun and is roughly 150 million km) to the  Earth, and is travelling at a speed of 48,000 kilometres per hour.

• It is a Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and its distance from Earth has placed it in the  Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA) category.

• Potentially Hazardous Asteroids means that an asteroid has the potential to make  threatening close approaches to the Earth.

• All asteroids with a Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) of 0.05 AU (which is about 7,480,000 Km) or less and an Absolute Magnitude (H) of 22.0 (about 150 mt in  diameter) or less are considered PHAs.

• The MOID is a method for calculating the minimum distance between two almost overlapping elliptical orbits.

• The absolute magnitude is a measure of the star's luminosity i.e. the total amount of energy radiated by the star every second.

• The Blowing up the asteroid before it reaches Earth, or deflecting it off its Earth-bound course by hitting it with a spacecraft may ward off the threat.

• The measure undertaken so far is the Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA), which includes NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission and the  European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera.

• In 2018, NASA announced that it had started the construction of DART, which is scheduled to launch in 2021 with an aim to slam into the smaller asteroid of the Didymos system at around 6 km per second in 2022. Didymos, is a binary near-Earth asteroid, that could pose the most likely significant threat to Earth.

• Hera is scheduled to launch in 2024, and will arrive at the Didymos system in 2027 to measure the impact crater produced by the DART collision and study the change in the asteroid’s orbital trajectory.

Monitoring of PHAs is not necessary that Asteroids classified as PHAs will impact the Earth. It only means there is a possibility of a threat.

• By monitoring these PHAs and updating their orbits as new observations, it is possible to  predict the close-approach statistics and thus their Earth-impact threat.


• The scientific interest in comets and asteroids is largely due to their status as relatively unchanged remnant debris from the solar system formation process over 4.6 billion years ago. Therefore, they offer clues about the chemical mixture from the planets formed.

• Significantly, among all the reasons that will eventually cause the extinction of life on Earth, an asteroid hit is widely acknowledged as one of the likeliest.


• It orbits the Sun and are small bodies in the solar system. They are made up of metals and rocks.

• They tend to have shorter and elliptical orbits. They do not produce a coma or tail atmosphere.

• The asteroid belt is a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, located roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars.


• It also orbits the Sun and are relatively small bodies of the solar system.

• They are made up of ice and hydrocarbons. It have an eccentric orbit.

• When comets approach the sun, some part of their ice melts and the other materials vapourise due to the heat of the sun. This results in a glowing halo that extends outwards through space.

• Therefore, a thin atmospheric tail is formed when close to the Sun.

Hurricane Hanna

• The Hurricane Hanna has made landfall the point at which a hurricane reaches land in Texas with life- threatening storm surge and strong winds. Tropical cyclones are  called hurricanes in the West Indian islands in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.


• It has reached wind speeds of up to 90 mph and is expected to produce heavy rains across portions of southern Texas and north-eastern Mexico, which will result in flash flooding and isolated minor to Moderate River flooding.

It has been categorized as a Category 1 storm on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS). This year, an “above-normal” hurricane season is expected in the USA.

• One reason for this is the warmer -than-average sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, along with weaker tropical Atlantic trade winds and  an enhanced west African monsoon.


• It is a tropical cyclone that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and the northeastern Pacific


• These are formed over the warm ocean waters near the equator. Hurricanes typically form between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator.

• Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed. This scale estimates potential property damage.

WWF claims 3 bn animals affected by Australian bushfires.

Nearly 3 billion koalas, kangaroos and other native Australian animals were killed or displaced by bushfires in 2019 and 2020, a study by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said on Tuesday, triple the group’s earlier estimates.

Some 143 million mammals, 2.46 billion reptiles, 180 million birds and 51 million frogs were impacted by the country’s worst bushfires in decades, the WWF said.

When the fires were still blazing, the WWF estimated the number of affected animals at 1.25 billion. The fires destroyed more than 11 million hectares (37 million acres) across the Australian southeast, equal to about half the area of the United Kingdom.

This ranks as one of the worst wildlife disasters in modern history,” said WWF-Australia Chief Executive Officer Dermot O’Gorman in a statement.

The project leader Lily Van Eeden, from the University of Sydney, said the research was the first continent-wide analysis of animals impacted by the bushfires, and “other nations can build upon this research to improve understanding of bushfire impacts everywhere”.

The total number included animals which were displaced because of destroyed habitats and now faced lack of food and shelter.

US, UK accused Russia of testing Anti-Satellite Weapon.

The test consisted of Russia’s satellite called Cosmos 2543 injecting an object into orbit operated in abnormally close proximity to a USA government satellite in low-earth orbit (LEO) before it maneuvered away and over to another Russian satellite.

• The test is inconsistent with the intended purpose of the satellite as an inspector system. It is evidence of Russia’s continuing efforts to develop and test space-based systems to put

USA’s weapons and allied space assets at risk.

• The Russian defence ministry said that Cosmos-2543 is an inspector satellite, meant to monitor the condition of Russian satellites.

• The Cosmos-2543 was deployed by another satellite, Cosmos-2542, which was launched on 25th November 2019 by the Russian military.

• The Russia held that it is fully committed to obligations on the non- discriminatory use and study of space with peaceful aims.

• It has asked the USA and the UK to be professional and refrain from propagandistic information attacks.

• Anti-Satellite Capability is the only four countries which are Russia, the USA, China and India, have demonstrated an anti-satellite capability over the past decades.

• India under the Mission Shakti, successfully tested the Anti-Satellite System (A-SAT) System making it the fourth country to acquire the capability of space warfare.

• The A-SAT System is a missile-based system to attack moving satellites and successfully destroyed a live satellite in the LEO.

• The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the system completely indigenously.

International Treaties Regarding Outer Space:

• UN Outer Space Treaty 1967 prohibits weapons of mass destruction in outer space and not the ordinary weapons. India ratified it in 1982.

• UN Transparency and Confidence Building Measures (TCBMs) includes registering space objects with the UN register, pre-launch notifications etc. India shares these details with the UN.

• Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) is an international governmental forum for the worldwide coordination of activities related to the issues of man-made and natural debris in space.

• India has supported the UN resolution on No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space.

High level pollution in Maharashtra's Nag River.

• The Bombay High Court said that the Nag river has recently become extremely polluted due to industrialization and urbanization.

• The Nagpur city derives its name from the Nag river which passes through the city.

• The Nag river originates from the Ambazari Lake in west Nagpur.

• The major tributary is Pili river. The end point is confluence with Kanhan River.

Union govt.unable to pay State’s GST dues.

Finance Secretary told the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, at a meeting on Tuesday that the government is in no position to pay the GST share of States as per the current revenue sharing formula, sources said.

According to at least two members who attended the meeting, Finance secretary's comments were in response to a question on the revenue shortfall due to the pandemic.

The members then questioned him on how the government could renege on the commitment to the States. At this, “he pointed out that the GST Act has provisions to rework the formula for paying compensation to the State governments if the revenue collection drops below a certain threshold,” one of the members said on condition of anonymity.

According to Finance Ministry, the Centre had released the final instalment of ₹13,806 crore of GST compensation for the financial year 2019-20.

The GST Council was scheduled to meet in July to try and work out the formula to rework the compensation to the States. However, the meeting has not been convened so far.

The opposition members meanwhile were up in arms, as the committee which was meeting for the first time since the nationwide lockdown instead of discussing the State of Indian economy, took up the topic “Financing the innovation ecosystem and India’s growth companies”.

CII finds economic recovery amongst the rural sectors.

There are early signs of a V-shaped recovery in the economy in the immediate aftermath of the lockdown, driven mostly by agriculture and rural lending, as well as positive trends in FMCG, pharma and even construction, says the Confederation of Indian Industries.

However, the uncertainty of mini lockdowns and unnecessarily wide containment zones continue to affect business operations, the industry group said.

Its dashboard of positive indicators include GST collections, railway freight traffic, petrol consumption, peak power demand and electronic toll collections, as well as expectations of a bumper harvest in the wake of a normal monsoon.

Terming the agriculture sector a “beacon of hope”, CII noted that rural lending by non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) is at about 80% of the usual levels. Stressed sectors include aviation, hotels and commercial vehicles, which show no signs of recovery yet. However, the information technology and health sectors are likely to hold steady even if they do not show much growth.

Financial Management Index for Rural Development Programmes.

India's Minister of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Agriculture &

Farmers’ Welfare, inaugurated a video conference on “Strengthening of the Risk-Based Internal Audit of Rural Development Programmes.

During the event, the Financial Management Index for Rural Development Programmes

was also launched.

The Financial Management Index for Rural Development Programmes seeks to rank states on efficient management of financial resources allocated for implementing half a dozen Rural Development Schemes.


• Preparation of annual plan, projecting the requirement of funds for the financial year, the expeditious release of State’s share, timely utilization of the funds and submission of the  Utilization Certificates etc.

• Optimum implementation of Public Financial Management System (PFMS) & Direct Benefit Transfer.

• Internal Audit.

• Social Audit.

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