Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Poverty GS2

The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for 2021, launched by UNDP and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), showed that 27.9% of India's population were multidimensionally poor.

Monday, June 13, 2022


 Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations


Select the word that most nearly means the word provided.

1. modest most nearly means

A. attractive

B. clever

C. current

D. humble

2. Custom most nearly means

A. dessert

B. habit

C. ethic

D. deliver

3. prolong most nearly means

A. extend




Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

B. inquire

C. relax

D. wait

4. hustle most nearly means

A. dance

B. hurry

C. busy

D. clean

5. solemn most nearly means

A. amusing

B. harmful

C. speech

D. serious

6. imply most nearly means

A. suggest

B. stab

C. thick

D. destroy

7. ramble most nearly means

A. knot

B. confuse

C. wander

D. wonder

8. beneficial most nearly means

A. help

B. advantageous

C. charity

D. wise

9. flare most nearly means

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

A. judicial

B. temper

C. style

D. blaze

10. negligent most nearly means

A. pajamas

B. morbid

C. careless

D. dark

11. aloof most nearly means

A. above

B. tidy

C. clever

D. reserved

12. resolve most nearly means

A. turn

B. puzzle

C. decide

D. want

13. congregate most nearly means

A. worship

B. gather

C. disturb

D. hurry

14. utter most nearly means

A. express

B. defer

C. borrow

D. laugh

15. fearless most nearly means

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

A. powerful

B. cowardly

C. brave

D. careful

16. negligible most nearly means

A. insignificant

B. arguable

C. careless

D. dark

17. placid most nearly means

A. calm

B. lazy

C. solemn

D. devious

18. rake most nearly means

A. thin

B. scoundrel

C. gentleman

D. shovel

19. dupe most nearly means

A. rancher

B. trick

C. simpleton

D. drug

20. stigma most nearly means

A. stain

B. trial

C. difficulty

D. holiness

21. reside most nearly means

A. remain

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

B. home

C. dwell

D. sediment

22. covetous most nearly means

A. quiet

B. sneaky

C. lurking

D. greedy

23. abide most nearly means

A. endure

B. hate

C. attendance

D. live

24. shrewd most nearly means

A. intractable

B. mean

C. astute

D. intelligent

25. fetter most nearly means

A. rancid

B. praise

C. hamper

D. persist

26. flagrant most nearly means

A. vibrant

B. glaring

C. vicious

D. pleasant

27. mitigate most nearly means

A. relieve

B. blend

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

C. defend

D. confuse

28. rail most nearly means

A. scold

B. push

C. try

D. punish

29. meld most nearly means

A. character

B. distinction

C. blend

D. firmness

30. rally most nearly means

A. demonstrate

B. muster

C. course

D. truly

31. abject most nearly means

A. indigent

B. desire

C. despondent

D. extreme

32. bespoke most nearly means

A. gentle

B. quiet

C. tailored

D. handsome

33. diffident most nearly means

A. apathetic

B. shy

C. arrogant

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

D. quarrelsome

34. proffer most nearly means

A. mendicant

B. wastrel

C. predict

D. tender

35. mordant most nearly means

A. dead

B. gruesome

C. fetid

D. caustic

36. churlish most nearly means

A. childish

B. boorish

C. tempestuous

D. disorderly

37. antediluvian most nearly means

A. antiquated

B. parched

C. nonsectarian

D. nonsensical

38. picayune most nearly means

A. petty

B. spicy

C. paltry

D. southern

39. smite most nearly means

A. flee

B. speck

C. dirt

D. strike

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

40. winnow most nearly means

A. carve

B. wind

C. weed

D. carry

Answers and explanations

1. d. modest means to be free of conceit or pretension, or humble

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

2. b. a custom means a long-established practice, or a habit

3. a. to prolong means to lengthen in time, or to extend

4. b. to hustle means to hurry

5. d. solemn means marked by grave sobriety, or serious

6. a. to imply means to express indirectly, or to suggest

7. c. to ramble means to move aimlessly from place to place, or to wander

8. b. beneficial means causing benefit, or advantageous

9. d. flare means a fire or blaze used to signal; flair means talent or style

10. c. negligent means marked by neglect, or careless

11. d. aloof means distant in feeling, or reserved

12. c. one meaning of resolve is to decide, often to stop from doing something

13. b. to congregate means to gather in a group

14. a. to utter means to express in words

15. c. fearless means lacking fear, or brave

16. a. negligible means so small or insignificant as to deserve little attention

17. a. placid means free of disturbance, or calm

18. b. a rake is a dissolute person, or a scoundrel

19. b. to dupe means to deceive or to trick

20. a. stigma means a mark of shame or discredit, or a stain

21. c. to reside means to occupy a place as one’s home, or to dwell

22. d. covetous means having an inordinate desire for wealth, or greedy

23. a. to abide means to endure without yielding, or to withstand

24. c. shrewd means marked by clever awareness, or astute

25. c. to fetter means to hamper, or to restrain

26. b. flagrant means obviously wrong or immoral; glaring means painfully obvious

27. a. mitigate means to make less severe or painful, or to relieve

28. a. to rail means to scold in harsh, abusive language

29. c. to meld means to merge or to blend

30. b. to rally means to arouse for action, or to muster

31. c. abject means cast down in spirit, or utterly hopeless; despondent means having lost all hope

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

32. c. bespoke means custom-made; tailored also means custommade

33. b. diffident means shy or lacking in confidence

34. d. to proffer means to put something forward for acceptance, or to tender

35. d. mordant means biting or caustic in means or speech

36. b. churlish means resembling an ill-bred or vulgar person, or boorish

37. a. antediluvian means so ancient that it could have come before the time of the flood and Noah’s ark, or antiquated

38. c. picayune means trivial or of little value; paltry means trivial or meager

39. d. smite means to strike heavily especially with the hand

40. c. to winnow means to sift or get rid of, like weed, it is often used with “out’’


Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.

41. detain is most opposite to

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

A. release

B. silence

C. forget

D. prosper

42. famous is most opposite to

A. boring

B. poor

C. obscure

D. untalented

43. colossal is most opposite to

A. easy

B. tiny

C. graceful

D. roof

44. fluid is most opposite to

A. solid

B. liquid

C. afraid

D. decent

45. continue is most opposite to

A. curve

B. argue

C. carry

D. pause

46. labor is most opposite to

A. amuse

B. cat

C. rest

D. strive

47. brawny is most opposite to

A. swift

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

B. weak

C. strong

D. pale

48. fickle is most opposite to

A. steady

B. kind

C. please

D. finagle

49. inept is most opposite to

A. clumsy

B. infer

C. competent

D. foolish

50. pivotal is most opposite to

A. turning

B. wavy

C. unimportant

D. clear

51. cursed is most opposite to

A. swore

B. pious

C. unfortunate


E. lucky

52. candid is most opposite to

A. unkind

B. blunt

C. valid

D. dishonest

53. flaunt is most opposite to

A. regard

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

B. sink

C. hide

D. propose

54. heal is most opposite to

A. sew

B. foot

C. good

D. maim

55. pacify is most opposite to

A. excite

B. land

C. coddle

D. unhand

56. sullen is most opposite to

A. dirty

B. cheerful

C. clean

D. risen

57. assure is most opposite to

A. alarm

B. reassure

C. quiet

D. unsure

58. fallacious is most opposite to

A. perfect

B. truthful

C. accidental

D. disarming

59. gumption is most opposite to

A. seriousness

B. apathy

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

C. levity

D. despair

60. ecstasy is most opposite to

A. hate

B. agony

C. languor

D. fatigue

61. astute is most opposite to

A. distraught

B. careful

C. generous

D. gullible

62. winsome is most opposite to

A. dour

B. attractive

C. mysterious

D. clever

63. droll is most opposite to

A. forget

B. charm

C. sedate

D. absurd

64. enigmatic is most opposite to

A. healthy

B. watchful

C. disastrous

D. obvious

65. obtuse is most opposite to

A. slim

B. acute

C. opaque

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

D. thick

66. obsequious is most opposite to

A. clear

B. clever

C. domineering

D. dandified

67. doleful is most opposite to

A. empty

B. rich

C. witty

D. vivacious

68. wanton is most opposite to

A. merciful

B. repast

C. brilliant

D. vicious

69. banal is most opposite to

A. sincere

B. wealthy

C. extraordinary

D. trustworthy

70. lugubrious is most opposite to

A. quick

B. cheerful

C. salubrious

D. dry

71. perspicacious is most opposite to

A. calm

B. easy

C. dull

D. winsome

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

72. elan is most opposite to

A. inelegance

B. stupidity

C. obscure

D. despair

73. recondite is most opposite to

A. manifest

B. flexible

C. provident

D. sociable

74. gainsay is most opposite to

A. regret

B. own

C. prudent

D. prude

75. effluvium is most opposite to

A. land

B. essential

C. fragrance

D. solid

76. parsimony is most opposite to

A. generosity

B. sinfulness

C. verbosity

D. tenderness

77. truculent is most opposite to

A. faltering

B. gentle

C. facile

D. submissive

78. spurious is most opposite to

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

A. disingenuous

B. thoughtless

C. placid

D. genuine

79. welter is most opposite to

A. order

B. freeze

C. patron

D. sustain

80. eclat is most opposite to

A. apathy

B. dullness

C. silence

D. disinterest

Answers and explanations

41. a. to detain means to hold or keep back; to release means to let go

42. c. famous means widely known; obscure means little known

43. b. colossal means incredibly large, therefore tiny is the opposite

44. a. a fluid is a substance that flows; a solid does not flow

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

45. d. to continue means to act without interruption; to pause means to stop temporarily

46. c. to labor means to work; to rest means to cease working

47. b. brawny means muscled or strong, therefore weak is the opposite

48. a. fickle means to lack steadiness, therefore steady is the opposite

49. c. inept means to lack competence, therefore competent is the opposite

50. 120. c. pivotal means very important, or crucial, therefore unimportant is the opposite

51. d. cursed means to be the subject of misfortune, or to be unlucky, therefore lucky is th opposite

52. d. candid means to be frank, or honest, therefore dishonest is the opposite

53. c. to flaunt means to display showily, or to show off, therefore hide is the opposite

54. d. to heal means to restore to health; to maim means to injure

55. a. to pacify means to soothe, or calm, therefore excite is the opposite

56. b. sullen means showing a disagreeable mood, or lacking cheer, therefore cheerful is the opposite

57. a. to assure means to make sure by removing doubt or worry; alarm means to give warning or to arouse fear

58. b. fallacious means tending to deceive; truthful means disposed to tell the truth

59. b. gumption means initiative, or drive; apathy means a lack of interest or concern

60. b. ecstasy means a state of rapturous delight; agony means intense pain of mind or body

61. d. astute means shrewd or showing acute mental vision; gullible means easily duped or cheated

62. a. winsome means cheerful and engaging; dour means gloomy or sullen

63. c. droll means to have a humorous or odd quality; sedate means unruffled or serious

64. d. enigmatic means mysterious or obscure, therefore obvious is the opposite

65. b. obtuse means insensitive or stupid; acute means marked by keen perception or shrewd

66. c. obsequious means subservient or fawning; domineering means exercising overbearing control

67. d. doleful means full of grief or cheerless; vivacious means full of life and spirit

68. a. one meaning of wanton is malicious or merciless, therefore merciful is the opposite

69. c. banal means trite or commonplace, therefore extraordinary is the opposite

70. b. lugubrious means mournful, or dismal, therefore cheerful is the opposite

Synonym & Antonym Questions with explanations

71. c. perspicacious means keen or astute, therefore dull is the opposite

72. d. elan means vigorous spirit or enthusiasm; despair means an utter loss of hope

73. a. recondite means difficult for one of ordinary understanding to comprehend; manifest means easily understood or recognized

74. b. to gainsay means to deny; one meaning of to own is to admit

75. c. effluvium means an offensive smell; fragrance means a sweet or delicate odor

76. a. parsimony means thrift or stinginess, therefore generosity is the opposite

77. b. truculent means cruel or savage, therefore gentle is the opposite

78. d. spurious means lacking genuine qualities, or false, therefore genuine is the opposite

79. a. welter means a state of wild disorder, or turmoil, therefore order is the opposite

80. b. eclat means a dazzling effect, or brilliance, therefore dullness is the opposite

detailed syllabus for UPSC CSE

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